Life is a grand journey, and we often wish to share our adventures with those we love most. For parents, this means including our children in our travels. However, anyone who’s embarked on a journey with kids in tow knows that the excitement of travel comes with its own set of unique challenges. Be it dealing with tantrums on an aeroplane or ensuring their safety in unfamiliar surroundings, travelling with children can be both rewarding and daunting.

But worry not! This guide is designed to transform your family trips into enjoyable, stress-free experiences. With careful planning, a pinch of patience, and the tips provided in this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate through the beautiful chaos of travelling with kids. Whether it’s packing smartly, keeping them entertained on long journeys, or ensuring their safety in a new environment, we’ve got you covered.

So sit back, relax, and let’s journey together through this comprehensive guide to travelling with kids. It’s time to make travelling less about the destination and more about the joy of shared experiences, cultivating curiosity, and creating memories that your family will treasure for a lifetime.

The Preparation Phase

The initial leg of any trip is preparation, which requires meticulous planning and organisation. When journeying with children, these early stages demand additional care and forethought. From devising an exciting itinerary to packing the right items, each step is a building block in the construction of a successful family trip. Let’s delve into the specifics.

1. Planning Your Trip

The first step in our preparation phase is designing an engaging itinerary. This can be a thrilling exercise, allowing the entire family to partake in the decision-making process. Children can be unpredictable, and their needs and preferences can significantly differ from adults. Therefore, when outlining your journey, consider attractions and activities that cater to their interests. Do they have a fascination with animals? Plan a visit to a zoo or an aquarium. Are they interested in space? Maybe a planetarium or science museum would spark their excitement. Additionally, make it a point to schedule regular breaks and downtime to keep them from feeling overwhelmed. The aim is to cultivate a vacation plan that’s not only enriching but also entertaining and manageable for your little travellers.

2. Packing Smart

Packing for kids is an art, requiring a delicate balance between necessity and practicality. The essentials typically include travel-friendly snacks, a change of clothes, wet wipes, a first-aid kit, and their favourite toys or books for entertainment during transit. Try to pack items that serve multiple purposes, such as clothing that can be layered or mixed-and-matched, thereby reducing the overall luggage. When packing, engage your children in the process. This can boost their excitement for the impending journey and give them a sense of responsibility. A tip to remember: always keep a spare set of clothes and essentials in your carry-on, as you never know when you might need them.

3. Getting Your Documents in Order

An often-overlooked aspect of the preparation phase is the proper management of necessary travel documents. This includes ensuring that all family members have up-to-date passports and visas if required. For international travel, check on any additional documentation that might be needed, such as vaccination certificates. A handy practice is to maintain both physical and digital copies of all these crucial papers. Digital backups can be a lifesaver if the originals are lost or misplaced. So, don’t forget to email yourself a set or save them in a secure location on your phone or in the cloud.

The Travel Phase

With the planning phase under your belt, it’s now time to set off on your adventure. The travel phase can seem a little daunting, but armed with the right strategies, you can ensure a smooth journey for your family. From surviving the flight or long car drive to ensuring your children are comfortable and entertained, this section will cover all aspects of the actual travel.

1. Navigating Through Airports and Stations

Airports and train stations can be a hubbub of activity that might overwhelm young children. Start by explaining the process to your child. There are excellent children’s books that can help introduce your child to the concept of air travel or train journeys. Always arrive early to allow your children to acclimate to the surroundings and not feel rushed.

2. Keeping Kids Entertained During Travel

Long hours of travel can lead to restless children. Therefore, packing a travel entertainment kit is crucial. Include a range of their favourite compact toys, colouring books, stickers, and games that can keep them engaged. Don’t forget to load your tablet with their favourite movies or shows for an easy distraction.

3. Dealing with Jet Lag and Travel Fatigue

Travel fatigue and jet lag can be tough on kids. Try to schedule your flights or drives during your children’s usual sleep time. This way, they can sleep through most of the journey. Once you reach your destination, stick to local time to adjust to the new timezone quickly. There are also several tips available to handle jet lag in children that might prove beneficial.

The Destination Phase

Once you’ve navigated the journey, it’s time to embrace the real adventure: exploring the destination with your children. The Destination Phase, in many ways, is the heart of your travels, the stage where your careful planning pays off. This stage can be filled with excitement, exploration, and even a little downtime for relaxation. How do you make the most of this crucial phase? Let’s delve into the details.

1. Exploring the Destination

Embarking on a journey of exploration with your kids can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Whether you’re wandering through the enchanting lanes of a historical city or enjoying the tranquil beauty of a seaside town, make sure you pace your activities according to your child’s comfort level. Try to strike a balance between cultural visits, outdoor activities, and time for leisure and relaxation. And don’t forget to involve your children in deciding the day’s itinerary to keep them engaged and excited.

2. Maintaining Routine and Downtime

While it’s tempting to pack your day with back-to-back activities, it’s crucial to remember that children need some downtime. Try to maintain some semblance of your child’s regular routine, especially when it comes to meals and sleep. Consistency can help them adapt better to the new environment. Moreover, a quiet afternoon in the park or some time spent in the hotel room with a good book can help recharge their batteries and keep them excited about the rest of the trip.

3. Staying Safe

Safety should be a top priority when travelling with children. Always keep a watchful eye on your children, especially in crowded places. Equip your child with a card or wristband with your contact information in case they get lost. Remember to follow local rules and regulations, and familiarise yourself with the location of local hospitals or clinics, in case of any emergencies.

Ensuring Safety

While travelling introduces children to diverse cultures, experiences, and environments, it’s important to ensure their safety at all times. Keeping them secure doesn’t mean hindering their explorations; rather, it’s about taking proactive measures to prevent avoidable issues and responding appropriately if situations arise. Here’s our guide on how to keep your little explorers safe during your travels.

1. Safety in Transit

Whether you’re flying, driving, or taking public transportation, your child’s safety should be paramount. For flights, book a separate seat for your child and use an approved child safety seat. If driving, never compromise on car seats and seatbelts. Public transport might be trickier, but try to keep your children seated and always hold onto them while standing.

2. Safety at the Destination

At your destination, make your children aware of their surroundings and teach them basic safety rules. If they’re old enough, ensure they know the name of your hotel and its address. You can also equip them with a safety wristband containing your contact details. Whenever possible, children should be accompanied by an adult, especially near water bodies, in crowded places, and when engaging in adventurous activities.

3. Health and Hygiene

Maintaining good health and hygiene is another crucial aspect of safety. Make sure your family is up to date with necessary vaccinations. Carry a travel health kit with necessary medication, first-aid supplies, and common over-the-counter drugs. Encourage regular hand sanitisation, especially before meals. If you’re in a destination where the water isn’t safe to drink, opt for bottled water and avoid ice in your drinks.

4. Emergency Preparedness

It’s vital to be prepared for any emergencies. Research and note down the contact details of the local emergency services in your destination. This includes local ambulance services, the nearest hospitals, and the embassy or consulate if you’re abroad. Consider travel insurance that covers medical emergencies for additional peace of mind.


Returning home after a wonderful holiday can often feel anticlimactic. But the end of a trip doesn’t mean the end of the adventure. The post-trip phase offers opportunities for reflection, learning, and anticipation of future journeys. This section provides tips on how to make the most out of this often-overlooked phase of family travel.

1. Reflecting on the Experience

Once you’re back home and settled, take time to reflect on the trip as a family. What were your favourite moments? What did you learn? This can help your children process their experiences, encouraging emotional growth and cultural understanding. Consider creating a travel scrapbook or journal, where your kids can express their thoughts, memories, and learnings in a creative way.

2. Review and Feedback

Consider providing feedback to the airlines, hotels, and attractions you visited. This not only helps them improve their services but can also help other families plan their trips. In addition, revisiting your own travel plan to assess what worked and what didn’t will aid in better preparation for your next adventure.

3. Preparing for the Next Adventure

It’s never too early to start planning for your next trip. Did your recent holiday spark an interest in a particular country or activity? Begin researching for your next family adventure. Involve your children in the process and let them contribute ideas. This can help maintain the excitement of travelling, even when you’re not on the road.

Wrapping Up

Travelling with children can be a joyous, enriching, and, at times, challenging experience. However, with thoughtful preparation, mindful strategies during the journey, and engaging post-trip activities, you can create a seamless and memorable travel experience for your whole family. Whether it’s your first family holiday or you’re seasoned travellers, the process of planning and undertaking a journey with your kids is an adventure in itself. Remember, it’s not just about the destination but also the many discoveries, big and small, that you make along the way.

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with practical tips and insights to assist in your future family adventures. As every family is unique, it’s essential to tailor these tips to fit your own travel style and your children’s needs. Keep exploring, stay safe, and above all, enjoy the priceless moments you get to share with your loved ones on your travels.

Do you have any other tried-and-tested tips for travelling with kids that we didn’t cover? Share your wisdom in the comments section. And if you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Safe travels!


In conclusion, travelling with kids is more than just a holiday. It’s an opportunity to broaden your children’s horizons, instil in them a sense of adventure, and create memories that your family will treasure for a lifetime. Although the prospect might seem daunting, with the right preparation, strategies, safety measures, and a positive mindset, you can tackle any challenges that come your way.

This guide has aimed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of how to travel with children successfully, offering practical tips and insights that we hope will prove invaluable for your next family adventure. Remember, flexibility and a good sense of humour can go a long way in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for everyone. Happy travels!

Did you find this article helpful? If so, feel free to share it with other travelling families. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more travel tips and guides. Until next time, keep exploring!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What age is best to start travelling with kids?

There is no ‘right’ age to start travelling with children. It largely depends on the parents’ comfort and the health of the child. Many families travel with infants, while others may wait until the child is a toddler or older. No matter the age, appropriate planning can help ensure a smooth journey.

2. How do I keep my kids entertained during long journeys?

Keeping kids entertained during travel can be a challenge, especially during long flights or car rides. Packing a travel-friendly ‘fun bag’ with their favourite toys, books, games, and snacks can be helpful. Also consider interactive games that involve their surroundings or fun apps and audiobooks for digital entertainment.

3. Should I stick to child-friendly destinations only?

While child-friendly destinations might offer more activities specifically for kids, it doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to them. Kids can enjoy and learn from a variety of travel experiences. Research your desired destination in advance for family-friendly accommodations, attractions, and activities.

4. Is it necessary to buy travel insurance for my kids?

Absolutely, travel insurance is as essential for your kids as it is for you. It not only covers medical emergencies but also trip cancellations or lost baggage. Make sure to read the terms carefully to understand what is covered.

5. How can I ensure the safety of my kids during the trip?

Child safety is a broad topic that involves various aspects like safety in transit, at the destination, health, hygiene, and emergency preparedness. From using appropriate child safety seats in transit to keeping them under adult supervision, there are numerous ways to ensure their safety. Please refer to our ‘Ensuring Safety’ section for detailed tips.

Start Your Adventure with Nihosi Travels & Tours

Ready to embark on a memorable journey with your kids? Look no further than Nihosi Travels & Tours, a leading travel agency based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Specialising in customised tours, we cater to your unique travel preferences and needs to ensure you and your family have the trip of a lifetime.

From breathtaking trekking adventures to immersive cultural tours, we offer a wide variety of experiences that can be tailored to families of all shapes and sizes. Whether you want to explore the rugged beauty of the Himalayas or dive into the rich heritage of Nepalese culture, our expert team is here to create a travel itinerary that aligns with your interests and guarantees an unforgettable journey.

Safety and comfort are our top priorities. We ensure all our family tours are conducted with utmost attention to safety standards. Our guides are trained to take care of your family’s needs and ensure that your trip is enjoyable and hassle-free.

Don’t let the planning stress you out. Leave the logistics to us and focus on making beautiful memories with your children. Your dream family adventure is just a click away.

Book Your Family Adventure Now

For more travel content, advice and inspiration, don’t forget to visit our travel blog. Happy travels!

Author’s Note

Thank you for taking the time to read this comprehensive guide on travelling with kids. I sincerely hope the insights, tips and resources shared in this article will be valuable in your journey as travelling parents. Remember, every trip is an opportunity to create lasting memories and teach your children about the world beyond their immediate environment.

Travel might have its challenges, especially with kids in tow, but the joy and experiences it brings are priceless. Embrace the journey, enjoy the little moments, and don’t stress too much about the hiccups along the way. After all, sometimes, it’s the unexpected adventures that become the most cherished memories.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need more information. Nihosi Travels & Tours is always here to help you plan the perfect family adventure. Travel safe and keep exploring!